Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu

Sigrid Haldenwang, Scientific Researcher I

Research fields 
  • Linguistics (Lexicology, Lexicography, Dialectology, Toponymy, Etymology, Phonology, Semantics), Linguistic history
Main research interests 
  • The lexicon of the Transylvanian Saxon dialects from a historical point of view;
  • Word formation (linguistic bodies) in the Transylvanian Saxon dialects;
  • Etymology of the Transylvanian Saxon loan words coming from the German dialects;
  • The problem of linguistic interferences in Transylvania: grammatical categories transferred from Romanian or Hungarian to the Saxon dialects;
  • The semantic structure of the Transylvanian Saxon words that exhibit difficulties in writing.
Curriculum Vitae 

Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu
Bd. Victoriei 40, RO-550024
Phone: 0269-212604; Fax: 0269-216605

Completed projects 
  • Dictionary of Transylvanian Saxon Dialects, Vol. 5 (K) 1975
  • Dictionary of Transylvanian Saxon Dialects, Vol. 6 (L) 1993
  • Dictionary of Transylvanian Saxon Dialects, Vol. 7 (M) 1998
  • Dictionary of Transylvanian Saxon Dialects, Vol. 8 (N-O-P) 2002
  • Dictionary of Transylvanian Saxon Dialects, Vol. 9 (QR) 2006
  • Dictionary of Transylvanian Saxon Dialects, Vol. 10 (S–Sche) 2014
  • Dictionary of Transylvanian Saxon Dialects, Vol. 11 (Sche–Schn) 2020
  • Studies on the language and cultural life of the Romanian Germans. Artists of the Transylvanian German environment in the 19th and 20th centuries – In collaboration with Gudrun-Liane Ittu and Agnes Mattis-Teutsch.

Sigrid Haldenwang graduated from the Faculty of Foreign Languages and Literatures (German section) at the University of Bucharest (1961-1966). In 1999, she completed a PhD in philology. Since 1972, she has been working at the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu and became a senior researcher (Scientific Researcher I) in 2000. She is the co-editor of 6 volumes of the Dictionary of Transylvanian Saxon Dialects and published numerous studies and specialized articles.

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