Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu

Individual Projects

New Sources for Socio-Cultural History: Artistocracy’s Inventories of Assets from Romanian Principalities in 18th and 19th Centuries

Project financed by UEFISCDI, PN-II-RU-PD-2012-3-0386.
Project duration: 2013-2015. Project Director: Dan Dumitru Iacob, Scientific Researcher III, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu. Mentor: Prof. Paul Niedermaier, Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy, Director of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities.

History of Minorities – an Artistic Approach to Diversity

Proiect initiated by the Municipality of Iași in collaboration with the „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iaşi and the “Pro Roma” foundation. The project was financed by a EEA and Norway grant and by the Romanian Government through the SEE 2009-2014 financial mechanism, program PA17/RO13 „Promotion of diversity in culture and art in the cultural patrimony”. Duration: January - November 2015. 

Urban economy and finances in Romania and Hungary in the 16th and 17th centuries: a comparative approach

2015-2016. Romanian Academy – Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Joint Research Project.

Host Institute: Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities, Sibiu. 40 Bulevardul Victoriei, Sibiu 550024. Romanian project leader: Paul Niedermaier, CSI, Director, Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities, Sibiu. Corresponding member of the Romanian Academy. Other Romanian participants: Mária Pakucs, CS III, Nicolae Iorga Institute for History, Bucharest; Zsolt Simon, CS III, Gheorghe Sincai Inst. for Social Sciences and Humanities, Tg. Mures; Julia Derzsi, CS III, Institute for Social Scieneces and Humanities, Sibiu.
Partner institute: Institute of History, Research Centre for the Humanities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 1014 Úri u 53, Hungary. Partner Project Leader: Szabó András Péter, PhD, junior research fellow. Other Hungarian participants: Mátyás-Rausch Petra, PhD, junior research fellow.


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