Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu

Maria Emilia Ţiplic, Scientific Researcher II

Research fields 
  • Medieval archaeology, History and medieval culture of Transylvania, History and culture of the Transylvanian Germans, Urban history
Main research interests 
  • Archaeology of medieval churches and cemeteries
  • History and culture of the Transylvanian Germans in the Middle Ages
  • Historical Dictionary of Romanian Towns (Transylvania)
  • Urban archaeology (Sibiu)
  • Medieval monuments in southern Transylvania
  • Medieval topography and ecclesistical landscape
  • Spread of Christianity

Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu
Bd. Victoriei 40, RO-550024
Phone 0269-212604; Fax: 0269-216605


Current projects 
Completed projects 
  • South Transylvania Medieval Monuments: past – present – future. Between archeology, history and 3d modeling – financed by the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2007-2013, Ideas Program, Exploratory Research Subprogram, UEFISCDI 193 / 5.10; Project member between October 2011-2016; Project coordinated by Prof. Ioan Marian ŢIPLIC, "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu (
  • Urban Archaeology in Transylvania. From a historiographical analysis to the creation of a database. Case study: Sibiu (Project Coordinator)
  • Colonization of German settlers in southern Transylvania in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries

Projects archive

Member in the project and author of the texts regarding the Saxon churches for the bilingual map Süd-Siebenbürgen. Land der Kirchenburgen = Southern-Transylvania. Land of the fortified churches, Cartographic Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, 2013, ISBN 978-973-0-1524-8, project financed by Schubert & Franzke Cluj-Napoca.

Maria Crîngaci Țiplic graduated from the Faculty of Letters, History and Journalism of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu specializing in history (2000) and afterwards completed the studies program "Conservation and restoration of the archaeological museum heritage" at the same faculty. In 2007, she defended the doctoral thesis with the title "Archaeological and architectural evidence of Saxon colonization in southern Transylvania", under the supervision of Prof. Thomas Nägler. In 2000, she started working at the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu. She published a volume as single author (The "German guests" in southern Transylvania. History, archeology and architecture (12th and 13th centuries), Bucharest, 2011), edited a collaborative volume (Ecclesiastical Landscapes in Medieval Europe. An Archaeological Perspective, ed. José C. Sanchez-Pardo, Emmet H. Marron and Maria Crîngaci Țiplic, Oxford, 2020) and published three volumes encompassing Romanian scientific studies. She has also published over 50 studies in collective volumes and scientific magazines, as well as 28 reviews and book presentations. She is the executive editor of the Yearbook of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu. She has participated as a member in several national grants and projects, some of them in collaboration with the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu. She is a member of the Association for Transylvanian Studies and of the Commission for the History of Romanian Towns.

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