Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu

Prof. Ilie Moise, Scientific Researcher I

Research fields 
  • Folklore, Ethnography, Ethnology, Ethnomuseology and cultural anthropology
Main research interests 
  • Carpathian youth confraternities;
  • The history of Romanian folklore;
  • Highlights of the Romanian ethnological education;
  • The photograph as an ethnological document.
Curriculum Vitae 

Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu
Bd. Victoriei 40, RO-550024
Phone: 0269-212604; Fax: 0269-216605

Current projects 
  • Folklore manuscripts from the Sibiu archives: valorification and publication
  • Intangible traditional heritage at the beginning of the third millennium: national folklore archives
Completed projects 
  • From the ethnology of the Romanian Germans, anthology published in collaboration with the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania, 2017;
  • Cultural Sibiu between East and West. In collaboration with Gabriela Panţel Cenuşer;
  • Carpathian youth confraternities: the boy group. In collaboration with the Open Society Foundation, editions: 1999, 2012;
  • Sibiu – ethnological highlights. In collaboration with the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania, 2004.

Awards and distinctions

Ethnos Award of the Ethnos Cultural Foundation for research in Romania (1999).


Prof. Ilie Moise graduated from the Faculty of Philology, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca (1967-1972), specializing in Romanian literary folklore. He defended his PhD thesis in the field of philology and literary folklore at the same faculty in 1993 (supervisor Prof. Dumitru Pop). Between 1972 and 1975, he worked at the Sibiu County Center for Popular Creation and between 1975 and 1983, he was an inspector at the Sibiu County Cultural Committee. He was the director of the Sibiu State Theater in 1983-1988. In 1988, he was employed at the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu and in 2000, he became a professor at the Faculty of Letters and Arts of the "Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu. He is a founding member of the Romanian Association of Ethnological Sciences and the Folklore and Ethnology Commission of the Romanian Academy. He is the secretary of the Sibiu County Association of Folklorists and Ethnographers (AFES) since 1977 and the initiator of the AFES Folklore Archive. He was also the Editor-in-chief of the "Studies and communications of ethnology" journal and is a member in the editorial board of the following journals: "Language and Literature Researches" (Sibiu), "Yearbook of the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu", "Acta Musei Porolissensis" (Zalău) and "Journal of Ethnography and Folklore" (Bucharest). He published 10 books and over 100 studies and specialized articles. The scientific activity of Prof. Ilie Moise is reflected in dedicated encyclopedias, such as the Dictionary of Folklorists (Bucharest: Litera Publishing House, 1983), the Dictionary of Romanian Ethnologists (vol. 2, ed. Iordan Datcu, Bucharest: Saeculum IO, 1998) and Contemporary Romanian Ethnology. Illustrated bibliographic lexicon (ed. Ioan Godea, Bucharest: Encyclopedic Publishing House, 2002).


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