Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu

History / Archaeology

Vasile Ciobanu, Scientific Researcher I
Prof. Zeno-Karl Pinter, Scientific Researcher I
Maria Emilia Ţiplic, Scientific Researcher II
Liviu Cîmpeanu, Scientific Researcher III
Nicolae-Alexandru Nicolaescu, Scientific Researcher II

History of Towns

Dan Dumitru Iacob, Scientific Researcher I
Anda Lucia Spânu, Scientific Researcher II
Mariana Vlad, Scientific Researcher
Julia Derzsi, Scientific Researcher II


Prof. Ilie Moise, Scientific Researcher I
Andreea Buzaş-Neagoe, Scientific Researcher III

Editor and Translator

Oana-Nora Căpățână, Editor I


Former Researchers and Collaborators

Prof. Paul Niedermaier, Member of the Romanian Academy
Andrei Nacu, Assistant Researcher
Sigrid Haldenwang, Scientific Researcher I
Corneliu Pintilescu, Scientific Researcher III (Contemporary History)
Sigrid Roswitha Pinter, Editor I. A
Gabriela Cenuşer Panczel, Scientific Researcher III (History of Literature)
Gudrun-Liane Ittu, Scientific Researcher III (Art History)
Malwine Dengel, Scientific Researcher


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